Thursday, August 6, 2015

Update: What's Been Going On

Hey Baybees

I have some bad news to share with you guys. My mom lost her battle with cancer on June 20th. She passed away peacefully with myself and my brother by her side.

The loss of my mother has been extremely hard on me. She was my ride or die, truly my best friend. We did everything together. I will forever miss her. She was an amazing mom.

I need to just take a break from life and just give myself some time to grieve.

This post is to just inform you guys that I'm back. So look out for future blogs!!!!


Sunday, May 31, 2015

Where Have I Been and Life Update

Hey Baybees! How have you guys been? I hope everyone is doing well.

Today I just wanted to do a life update and tell you what's been going on in my life and why I've been absent for a while.

So let's begin.... The end of February my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. This was a huge blow to me. My mother and brother are my everything. She is my sister, my best friend and mom all rolled into one.

On March 13 she went to have her port put in so she could start chemo. The next day she fell ill. We thought that she had a stomach bug but, by that Monday she couldn't do anything. She was admitted to the hospital that night and they started running tests.

The next day she called me a told me to get to the hospital because she was really sick. When I got there she told me and my brother how serious the situation was. I began to cry a few mins later the doctors told us the cancer has latched on to either the colon or small intestine and that if they thought it was where they were thinking she had no chance of survival. I was in shock. They told her she has two options to not have surgery and have a few hours with her family or have surgery and see if they could fix it. It would be a big gamble though.

My mom asked us what she should do and we told her do whatever she wants. We support her decision. She decided to have the surgery. I told my mom I loved her and I must have kissed her 100 times. I immediately began to call and text friends to ask them to pray for us.

We waited in the surgical waiting room for about 2 hours and the surgeon walked in and said she made it and did surprisingly well but they had to give her a colonstomy.

I was a bit relieved but I knew she still has alot to go thru. She ended up staying at the hospital for 3 weeks and then went to rehab for 2 weeks.

While she was in rehab my grandma, whom my mother was taking care of had a stroke and never regained consciousness and passed away 14 days later. That was another big blow to me. I was my grandmas lil girl she spoiled me rotten lol.

The day before the funeral my mom got to come home and a week later she started chemo. The chemo is tough on my mom and she's been in and out of the hospital but we are just trying to stay positive and have faith. I know God is good and he can do anything.

So with the loss of my grandma, my mom and her cancer and being verbally attacked by two family members I'm the middle of this I ain't had the strength to do much of anything.

So that sums up where and why I Been gone. If anybody has any suggestions on what foods to eat or how to help with fatigue please let me know.

Thanks a million

*** I opened up a store on kitsylane please go and check it out and buy something please. it's my mom and grandmas name put together.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Hard Candy Palette Review and Swatch

Hey Baybees

I love neutral eyeshadow, in fact 95% of the time, my eyes look natural. Now my lips, that's a different story. I love to be bold on my lips.Anyways, one of my favorite palettes is from the line Hard Candy.

The Palette is called Birthday Suit. It has 10 eyeshadow. All of the shades have ok pigmentation,but you Will definitely have to build up the shade.

My only problem is that they are a little chalky, other than that it is good for the price. I purchased mine at my local Wal-Mart, I paid $6 dollars.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hair Review

Back in the October , I was looking for some affordable hair. For the last 3 or 4 years, I've been buying my virgin hair from one company, and over the last few years their prices have increased a lot. I then decided to look around on Aliexpress.

So I did some research and looked around on YouTube and read reviews on Aliexpress and decided what was best for me and my price range.

The company I got my hair from RXY Hair. I got 4 bundles of Malaysian Straight, I got 1(20) , 1 (22), 1 (24) and 1 (26). The hair grade was a 4A, which is average 7A is the best . Each bundle weighs 95 to 100 grams or 3.5 oz. I got in a #1, which is a Jet Black.

Each bundle came in its own plastic bag, marked and labeled with its length. I received my hair in 3 days prior to ordering and it was delivered through FedEx. I paid a total of $136.00.

Now for my experience with this hair. The ends were a bit thin and it did have some split ends. The Hair did tend to tangle up, and it did shed a lot. I did seal the weft, I do recommend that you do not skip this step it helped a lot. Additionally,I had to brush it every couple of hours or it would start to look matted. However the hair did tend to hold a curl very well. My curls would last 4 to 5 days. I washed this hair once a week. I have installed this hair twice. The first time, I wore for 6 weeks, and the second install , I wore for 7 weeks.

Overall, I thought this hair was okay, especially for the price and grade of the hair. I thin this hair would be okay for a newbie to virgin hair, or someone who just wanted it for a special occasion.
