Back in the October , I was looking for some affordable hair. For the last 3 or 4 years, I've been buying my virgin hair from one company, and over the last few years their prices have increased a lot. I then decided to look around on Aliexpress.
So I did some research and looked around on YouTube and read reviews on Aliexpress and decided what was best for me and my price range.
The company I got my hair from RXY Hair. I got 4 bundles of Malaysian Straight, I got 1(20) , 1 (22), 1 (24) and 1 (26). The hair grade was a 4A, which is average 7A is the best . Each bundle weighs 95 to 100 grams or 3.5 oz. I got in a #1, which is a Jet Black.
Each bundle came in its own plastic bag, marked and labeled with its length. I received my hair in 3 days prior to ordering and it was delivered through FedEx. I paid a total of $136.00.
Now for my experience with this hair. The ends were a bit thin and it did have some split ends. The Hair did tend to tangle up, and it did shed a lot. I did seal the weft, I do recommend that you do not skip this step it helped a lot. Additionally,I had to brush it every couple of hours or it would start to look matted. However the hair did tend to hold a curl very well. My curls would last 4 to 5 days. I washed this hair once a week. I have installed this hair twice. The first time, I wore for 6 weeks, and the second install , I wore for 7 weeks.
Overall, I thought this hair was okay, especially for the price and grade of the hair. I thin this hair would be okay for a newbie to virgin hair, or someone who just wanted it for a special occasion.