Happy New Year! Its a new year and I thought it would be fun to come up with some fun questions to answer so you guys could get to know me better. So let's get started.......
1. What is your favorite color?
2. Cats or dogs?
Neither I'm allergic to both but I do prefer dogs over cats. Cats have always weirded me out for
Some reason.
3. Lipgloss or Lipstick?
Both just depends on the look I want
4. Baked,grilled,boiled or fried foods?
Umm....since I'm from the south I have to go with fried :-)
5. Favorite accent?
6. Wine or liquor ?
Liqour. I'm a cocktail kind of girl
7. Favorite everyday lippie?
Nyx cream burlee
8. Rihanna or Beyonce?
Omg that's super hard I love both of them so much but I have to go with Beyonce. I grew up with
Destiny's child.
9. Favorite Season
Fall or Autumn .lol she so fly she got two names
10. How tall are you?
5'4 1/2 but I just say 5'5
11. Celebrity crush?
It changes a lot but currently its a toss up between Drake and Chris Brown
12. Last person who you got a text from and your relationship to them?
The gingerbeard man, its his nickname:-) and we are just friends
13. Are you affectionate?
Yes, very much in fact :-)
14. Favorite holiday?
Duh, Christmas
15. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I am a introvert
16. Are you currently in a relationship?
I am very single
17. What's your zodiac sign?
18. What is the last app you used on your phone?
Instagram and you should follow me @beautyn_sheabeast :-)
19. Sweatpants or leggings?
I wear both I refuse to pick a side
20. Favorite number?
21. Dream place to live?
Either London or California
22. Favorite holiday movie?
Home Alone
23. Song you turn up to at the moment?
Idfwu by big Sean
24. Would your rather live on the moon or live under the sea?
The moon
25. Do you believe in aliens?
I believe that anything is possible!
26. How many pair of shoes do you own?
Maybe like 25 :-)
27. Look to your left, what do you see first?
A chair
28. What do you think is your best physical feature?
I love my lips
29. Can you change a tire?
No but I want to learn!
30. In the next 5 years where do you see your self ?
Hopefully, successful and in good health, married and maybe a kid :-)
I had fun coming up with questions and answering them. I hope you guys enjoyed reading and if you would like to you can share with your favorite bloggers or you could do it I would love to see you guys answers!